Apk Extractor Lite APP
We have released an amazing feature to share apks to your friends connected in same network either WiFi or hotspot.
★ Beautiful UI.
★ Extracts with 10x speed as compared to other apps present.
★ No ROOT access required.
★ No unnecessay permissions.
★ Extracts all applications - Downloaded, System, Preloaded.
★ By Default Apk's will be saved in /sdcard/APkExtractorLite/.
★ Search option to search applications by Application Name or by their package Name.
★ Compatible with all Android versions.
★ Saved apk format AppName_AppPackage_AppVersionCode_AppVersionName.apk.
★ Directly share APK via Gmail, Dropbox, Google Drive, Hike, Shareit.
★ Various sorting options Name, install date, latest updated, size, versioncode.
★ Separate filter for Downloaded and System Applications.
★ Directly uninstall Downloaded Application.
★ Directly open any Application on Playstore on long press option.
1. fixed Extract APK for android M and newer
2 fixed Send APK for android M and newer
3 fixed search apks - now seacrh is immediate
4 removed banner, when search is active, for usability